Hello from the Shamrock,
here speaks again Kea Laverde,
the Ghost in the Schmöe-thrillers,
and ask why I sit around in broad daylight in a, uh, dive, rather than to provide valuable work for the gross domestic product?
It's not like my way of justifying myself by no means, but now I have to time to clear up a few stereotypes that abound in the lives of creative professionals. We have it so beautiful! We sleep a day until the wee hours, starting almost immediately with the red wine drinking, and earn magnificently coal by writing a book that is sent to the publisher after 2 years and sit back then, only months later to go on tour, although we would of course in the most exclusive four-star boxes.
But I did not want to talk about money. But carry on the struggle that we, the creative minds against us. What's that? One has since not even hear what ring of writer's block, the Author smite? An all-powerful monster in the head strikes the pin from a hand, barely described shredded sheets of paper and animates the PC to arbitrary action so that nothing works. Hm
is for me really never does.
not at my author.
We do not suffer from writer's block. They are - the neurological and neuro-linguistic research, according to my author - also very rare. A Schreibblockierter sits 12 hours a desk and tries and does something, write a sentence, kills him, write two words, she strokes. Toils and torments until late into the night, but there is nothing there. Writer's block, the neurologist arise, perhaps due to a sort of excitement of the nerve cells in the brain. Too many ideas, too many humiliation, too much of everything. The effect: The creative Ling is paralyzed. Unable to move like a blinded deer on the highway at night.
What most professionals in the writing genre (and surely other artists), however, overtaken quite frequently, is called procrastination. The simple - Move! "What you can do today, do not put off till tomorrow," warned the former well-meaning aunts. Must be as well.
procrastination to German Verschieberitis works like this: you put your day with the best intentions of your current project. To open a file and simultaneously Twitter. Read a few blogs. Tear down half an hour later going to close the Internet, think sharp, to finally bring a few sentences on paper, and look at the ceiling. These cobwebs! You get the ladder, because under a floating Webkram endure no creative things work. The leader stands in the store room, and on the way you remember that you have so many apples in the cellar, can perish if you do not immediately bake an apple pie from it.
That's life!
Now we get a series of tips on the Internet, in the devotional literature and from relatives and neighbors, which comes down to how we improve ourselves to stay and coach can. I get the mites, if I only the word "self-tuning" hear. But for some other time. Of course proliferate advice on how to Verschieberitis be overcome. My opinion: You can not be overcome in any case.
people are lazy. The evolution they have done so. The nature of saving their strength for survival. In itself quite reasonable, only the hurrying, bustling, hyperactive super-company is not accepted. Of ourselves not so. We create long-Catch lists to tell us, then let that one just these lists should always be kept short, so you do not hang right the view from the corner of my eye on those lists of favorite would. It is possible everything that can do the same, immediately remove. And so on and so blah.
The trouble is: A book to write, to paint a picture and to develop a plot for the next exposé - it does not fit in a Tu-the-list. You can write on it, and probably works stringent planning and works, when it comes to revisit certain scenes to sharpen dialogue or to formulate blurbs. But creativity, artistic activity from playing live, of testing, of fragments. Creativity grows in the experiment, ie collecting and storing, in the gathering and spreading, the silliness, the cheerful, inefficient Exist. Look into the air and invent your story! Rumfuddeln scribble, clean up, while listening to music, drink a glass of red wine (eins!), sit in the pub or to see an experimental film in the cinema - is part of the creative work to it is the flying carpet of the artist, writer, ghost writer. Even if the management world when all highly paid coaches say it's procrastination - it just is NOT, in the opinion I stay, and so be it, I'm ready to get even all projects on time, so I am now sitting in the Shamrock and encourage me but not with your Brav citizens dislocations, I'm already a ghost.
If you are now, however, a are attracted little bit: you reconcile with your Verschieberitis. It is ok
very best, your
Kea Laverde.
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