on the so-called Kopfschüttel Blog there to start the new year a little competition, so I dedicate this post to him here;)
I do not know any blog that even vaguely resembles the head shaking and I advise everyone of you to visit him once, it's worth it! Each post is a small (sometimes large) dialogue between the head and shaking his sweetheart. Is it to chip away, but look! xD
Now I present to you my very personal story, beautiful in style Kopfschüttel ^ ^ Have fun!
Since we are the renovation of my room, in which he wants to move in with when it is finished, not really move forward, has made my love already many months ago suggested that his mandatory vacation in October to use the bottom (the room is in the basement) "ranzuklotzen sense," said his words. Unfortunately, I could not help him at the time, since I was working on my application portfolio for art's degree, but that did not bother him.
Sun, his first vacation day had already taken six days and he had managed since after all, already ... xD nothing until he absolutely had to clean his own room at home (which would be an issue if you were to regularly take time deposit bottles and rubbish as soon as we have before the stairs instead of collecting all , but no matter). The next day was like in the movie! We chatted:
? Well sweetheart, how are you, how about "
" I'm still `n bisl Brasig ..."
" Then lie 'but you go back there! Is indeed not so late! "
" Well, no,. Know I'll do it only reluctantly, because then I get the whole day again aus'm bend ... "
" Why, what musst'n still do so? "
" I have to suck my room, dusting, even after the dog out and then there's even food ... "
[Note: This was the morning at 10 Clock]
" Oh no, then haste to do so pretty, huh? "
I [thought for a moment ... Then I noticed the following:
- His view: "Wow, today I've make as much , the day is almost totally filled with responsibilities!"
- My view: Cleanup bit of room - for hours break - with the dog out - for hours break - dinner. "]
" Hm, sounds at first even after very much, but that is actually made or quickly? So suck dust and wipe Providing Security in one hour at your little room and then have your peace, is still great! "
" An hour? I have to take yes vor'm wiping at first all the stuff from the shelves and so! "
[why I said yes, a half an hour and ...]
The next day, after I had painted as `ne astray from morning to night, he's still not so far that he can paint the walls down His reasoning.
" I must first of all have to make my room .
"That you have but even yesterday? "
"Yes, I actually wanted. I am but then dozed off yet."
* * kopfschüttel
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