Friday, November 19, 2010

How To Make Pontoon Trailers

The restlessness of the writer

Writing is a fine motor activity. The texts, plotting, obvious that requires planning, Kopfschufterei is a great whole, a process that targeted mostly at least. Let us not only the hands and fingers that run our letter. Be it with the stylus or a keyboard. And no, we are not talking about the voice recognition programs that allow us to dictate to a computer our stories.
The motor is the combination of the author with reality. It builds a bridge of that volatile country, where the characters live in our heads and beat their battles to that continent in which we ourselves are at home: the so-called Wirklichekit. Where we stand, our body is nourished, where we - write. The fingers translate the thoughts into matter. The thoughts in them often get upset, restless, when the story begins to peel out of the darkness. The creation of works of art, the artists describe as "skinning." A process is underway, the design is unstoppable, according his timing, after his standards and laws of nature. Since can not intervene. The restlessness, the tremor in the fingers immediately before moulting must simply endure. Since neither help nor beverage soothing long walks. The birth of the story is coming up, following their own pace, sometimes days before, sometimes from one minute to the next, and woe to the author, then dabeihat no writing materials. (Side note: If a writer truly a professional, is shown by the fact that he always carries a pen and paper with you;))
My new stories, my characters get upset at first in my fingers. Something to get out. Current flows. The actuation of the fingers on the keyboard, the hand grounded on the paper. The motor provides the facts. Have traction again.
's good.
Watch your hands!


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