Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Many Calories Per Day Country

you feel guilty?

Good day, this is Kea Laverde,
back from its headquarters in Shamrock. Here I can work that is undisturbed. You know me and lets me write in peace, and who does not know me, I can already three times at rest, because I can really unapproachable look.
working self at home when I write, on a project, editing and so on, I switched on the answering machine between me and the world. Indeed, it is really easy to feel guilty because you do not receives calls, mails can not read and do not flower beds watered.

Admittedly, it is very easy to feel guilty for ignoring tasks that have nothing to do with writing. Because we have learned in school and later at the university and then at work, and because we, since we are no longer children, have rarely questioned, because many have laughed at by our families, in the constantly one was from We will ... So we have learned the following: I myself, with my need to be simple to follow my preferences, to do what I love and what I can come good, always off than last. Because everything else is more important, more important, more valuable. Because - for some of the world since the beginning given reason - (!) Repairing a water line better, more important and more expensive than writing a new chapter in a love story.

you give it too, if you are the author or Ghost: You are already tapped into the debt trap because they have a customer, friend or a tea party of former girlfriend showed the cold-shoulder AB. But - how else can the work with us freelancers. The works
Laverde at home, which is there in any case. Share the diverse people and hey presto they have chosen my number and hang in my direction, stop the flow of ideas. You block me, if it is not as dramatic, at most a few minutes to get back - sigh - in the plot of my stories were sinking. If it is nasty, the whole day is ruined. Bad mood: "Why do I had to call too!" Self-accusation: "Why have I not turned the AB!" Anger: "How can I really meet my deadline?"
The energy flow is dead, from, past, because nothing is moving, you get up, you roars a coffee, milk foam, the movement that actually the finger should be sent to the buttons is misguided, and pressed filter coffee and sugar shakers.

No, no.
I've decided: I do not feel guilty. Even if Mrs Laverde senior five times on my tape speaks - I let her talk, she has spoken her stuff from the soul. When I write, the world is silent. I'm happy because I set priorities and Consistent trade. Whether troublemakers are also satisfied, their beer. For their souls delight I am not responsible. I promise only that I recall, when you entrust my electronic substitute a message.
Come on, you can not but seriously feel guilty. Then you are really to blame!


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