Monday, February 28, 2011

Airport Security With Braces

Baby please do not go!

Post 28 something that you miss.
Enjoy endless walks hand in hand through the fields. Spring scent in the air. Wind blowing through your hair. Warm look, turn to a head. That can not sleep because of the emotions. The persistent grin on his face. Dancing until my legs do hurt. My best mate see. spend much time with my human heart. These are things that I miss. For one thing confuses me, however, if I should miss them.

Last night I could not sleep. Perhaps the excitement, because the school started today? Maybe. At least then I was drawn to the television and I saw the end of the Oscars on ProSieben. Well, that was not so interesting for me. I am fascinated as more of the award Golden himbeeer ". My Sims have also received today the baby Magda. Sweet, no?

PS: In our play, which is being developed for a long time in school, I play the main role. Yeah baby!


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