I started this text three times and deleted. I just want to write only. Not offensive not contemptuous. I want to tell you my feelings. Want to tell you how much touch with me and how things developed. Wöllte I like talking about it. But the fact is that no one wants to talk more about you. I still think that writing is the best way of Kopfentmüllung. And with that I throw these thoughts into the recycling bin. Out. Out of me. I would like so much to say that you've left a certain emptiness in me. Because you never told them the truth, I tried every night to invent the truth. It hurt that you had to lie to me. It hurt each other that neither he nor I . Knew It hurt that I had to learn everything on your birthday. It hurt that you've added to this day. It hurt when you said your phone was broken and had forbidden me to call you, even though I knew that you hit him. It hurt to see who you can be. It did - is no more. Someone told me that I should bury you. But I will not. I will draw from all this learning, and conclusions. I bear you. Others did that already and burned the stuff that gift you test them. I was there. But all my stuff I've saved.
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