Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Sunfish Sail Dimension


Good Day. Kea Laverde here
and with me today is not very good to deal with.
I wanted on "criticism" comment. As a ghostwriter, I am often invisible to the critics to shoot a man who carelessly wrote her name on the front page of the book and are now considered to be the author. Well. But sometimes I have to go but in between times - because what "criticism" and "review" trades, sometimes nothing is as dimwitted Gesummse. "Buzz" as a label to think about this blog from the mind. Everyone chattered with the world's electricity. Unfortunately, said to have anyone say anything really!
10 points in all friendship
  1. criticism was once an art. It has become a hostile attitude.
  2. From (1) results: People sometimes feel personally insulted or humiliated by the author, because they have the book, which they criticize review / do not like it. They believe they are apparently angry at her cheating savings, they invested in a paperback book. Even bad, when you buy in the Internet book shop and can not even just browse in the bookstore the first chapter!
  3. is to say, you need to read this or that book, even when you have been looking for a work-out for Laverde. Is your freedom of choice, gentlemen!
  4. In Internet is a self-proclaimed bibliophile almost every reviewer. You can find real gems of the book bloggers. "Reviews" in the Ama-Tsoni country are not. Neither Jewels still (mostly) real reviews. They are the sound of waves in the ocean of the Internet. Why
  5. judged as hard (3) under? As for writing a critique is more than to have the book read. But even this is not always the case - pseudo readers who have flown over the text are short, exposing afloat.
  6. So what should a reviewer do? He should have a clue of literature: How does it work, like a novel, created a genre, like the book market is structured. He should even have heard that "Narrator" not the same as "author" is. Of course, it is believed that a reviewer can deal with "text". And he was the object, the target group and review the work properly. A light novel family with an annual Blödel Gear shift is not a problem-century epic that tells us the turmoil of politics.
  7. A reviewer has noted, when something is meant ironically.
  8. He must not use the wrong tone. (This also means that a Personal Historian is sometimes accused of, he [or she] only want to make money. Sure, I earn money, of course with my work as a serious critic in most cases!)
  9. From (7 ) speaks the requirement to formulate objective.
  10. I do not read criticism that occur in more than two spelling errors. (In fact, I turn off at the first point error.)
should not prevent the mind to send me your criticisms. I promise you I read them all.
Well then.
your Kea Laverde


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